SFE Footprint Library
This is the holy grail for Spark Fun Electronics. Each footprint is a custom layout. This library has been compiled over 5 years and 100s of man hours worth of work. If you are a student, please, enjoy and learn. If you are a professional, please buy something from www.sparkfun.com to help us out.
Download it now: SFE-Custom-Footprints
- Please see error note in list below for SOT-457 FP. Thank you making this library available. I hope this note helps make it even better! --Hraftery 04:06, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
other footprint libraries:
Currently we use Protel DXP for 90% of our layouts. Eagle is also used but we don't create as many FPs. The zip file above contains only a Protel library. It does not contain even a minimal one for Eagle. (Is anyone aware of any format conversion utilities which might be helpful? --dave)(Some format conversion utilities are listed at the massmind -- do you know any others? -- David)
Please take all these footprints with a grain of salt. Most of the FPs we make are rather exotic and complex. We rarely trust an FP from anyone else thus usually creating our own.
List of current footprints:
- 5-Lead DD PAK - Voltage regulator
- 0603 - This is the basic 0603 footprint. Use this or 0603 - OLD1
- 0603 - LED
- 0603 - OLD1 - Original, tight 0603 layout. Works great, very minimal
- 1206 - LED - This is a very revised, nice layout for 1206 LEDs including an expanded paste layer for a nice solid solder connection
- 3216 EIA-A - Perfect for 10uF tantulum caps
- 7343 EIA-D - Perfect for 100uF tantulum caps
- Antenna - 2.4GHz - This is the antenna found on the RF-24G devices. No guarantees it will impedance match
- Antenna - 2.45GHz - Chip antenna fp
- Antenna - SMA - Vertical mount SMA or RP-SMA connector
- Antenna - SMA - End Launch
- BGA-32 - 32 ball bga for the Analog Device's ADXRS MEMs gyros
- BlueRadio with Antenna - This is the FP for the Bluetooth module. No guarantees. It's a bit odd with restricted areas.
- CF Socket - Basic CF breakout. Start from here and make it fit your part
- CF Socket - Recommended - more silkscreen, wider solder pads
- CNZ1120 - Optical photo intr/sensor fp
- Coin Cell Holder 12mm - SMD
- Coin Cell Holder 20mm - PTH
- Connector Molex x - Vertical and right angle connectors with polarized connectors
- DB9 Headers - various DB9 connector FPs include PTH and end launch
- DIN-3 - DIN connector
- DIP connectors
- GM862 - Cellular module FP with antenna, pin1 indicator, and shield holes (proven, works great!)
- Headers - Various SIP 0.1" headers
- Lassen iQ - Couple FPs for the Lassen iQ with and w/o silkscreen lines (proven, works great)
- LCC8 - Special - Minimal FP for the ADXL series accelerometers from Analog Devices (proven, works great)
- LCD 16x2 - This is mechanical and electrical FP for 16x2 LCD from SFE. (proven, works great)
- LED Polarized - Simple T1, 5mm LED FP
- LED Polarized 3mm - 3mm LED fp, works ok. Hard to see silkscreen
- LFCSP - Recommended and modified FP for the newer ADXL32x series from Analog Devices. Recommended FP is proven and works great.
- microSD Socket - Proven, works great
- MLP-24 - Used for the nRF2401-ish ICs from Nordic. Proven, works great
- MLP-28 - Used for the CP210x USB ICs from SI Labs. Proven, works great
- PG31 - GPS receiver from Laipac. Includes silk area for MMCX connector.
- PIC ICSP Mini - This is a custom FP by SFE. It's a in circuit serial programming jack that is 1.5mm pitch. Used to program just a bootloader onto a board without using up the space of a full sized programming header
- Power Jack - common barrel jacks with silk and mechanical layers
- Power Switch - Common SPDT switch, can be used for power or signal
- QFN-16 - Used for the MMA7260Q triple axis accelerometer. Works great but has some interesting keepout lines to keep vias out from under the IC
- QRD1114 - FP for the QRD1114 IR line sensor
- QUAD44 - TQFP package for the 16F877A IC
- Radial Caps - Various FPs for radial caps. Be sure your part matches the various dimensions.
- RJ11 - Jack for ICD or telephone
- Screw Terminal - 0.1" pitch screw terminal, two position version has two peg holes for structural stability
- SD-MMC Socket - Just what it sounds like
- SJ-2503A - 2.5mm stero jack
- SMA - Diode - Good 1A reverse polarized diode
- SMD Cap - SMD eletrolytics. Use at your own risk
- SOD-323 - Very small diode, good for signals
- SOIC - various soic FPs
- Solder Jumper - NC - Normally closed solder jumper. The paste layer is expanded so during reflow, extra paste is available so the jumper is shorted
- Solder Jumper - NO - Normall Open solder jumper. Paste layer is there, but not enough for a short
- Solder Switch - handy for SMD switches just using a soldering iron
- SOT-23 - Commom BJT footprint with various configuration. Check the datasheet for your particular part.
- SOT-23A - FP for popular small voltage regulators
- SOT-223 - Bigger 1A voltage regulators use this footprint like the LM1117
- SOT-457 - Transistor array FP NOTE: appears to be inverted! That is, pin ordering is clockwise instead of anti-clockwise.
- SPDT Relay - Couple relay footprints
- SSOP - Various SSOP footprints
- Stencil Peg - This is an alignment hole for the Stencil-Alignment-System as well as a stand-off hole.
- Switch - Various momentary switch FPs. SMD, PTH, and Right Angle PTH
- Terminal Block - Various screw terminal blocks
- TO-92 - Various v-reg and PTH transistor FPs
- TO-220 - Various PTH FPs including LM317, LM7805, and heat sinked FPs
- TRF-24G - Popular FPs for the RF-24G 2.4GHz module
- Trim Pot - Couple trimpot FPs
- USB - Various USB connector FPs
- WEEE Icon - The european initiative to limit electronics trash. It's an silkscreen icon that looks like a trash can...
- Xtal-2 - Standard crystal FP
- Xtal-6 - SMD Watch crystal FP
- Xtal-SMD8 - SMD ceramic resonator FP
- Xtal-SMD9 - SMD quartz crystal FP
--Sparkfun 13:10, 28 January 2006 (PST)