Linux Commands On Pi
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Make Sure You are Up to Date[edit]
# remember to use >> sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo raspi-config # still works as alternative to command line
Software install[edit]
Use the gui app or at command line
- apt-get
- pip
Misc Commands[edit]
- ~ home directory
- ./ current directory
- ../ parent directory
- ls list files, but may miss hidden ones then ???
- cd
- chmod +x filename +x make executable
- ps -e what is running ( -e all users?? without just current )
- top info on running processes in a nano like window exit with ctrl c
- kill end a process using pid from above
cp copy files
- mkdir make directory
- rmdir – Remove Directories
- rm – Remove Files
- mv – Move Files
- trash from command line not so easy may be hidden /home/pi/.local/share/Trash may be a hint.
mc – A Full File Manager Midnight Commander is one of many fully featured file managers you can use from the Linux terminal. It isn’t installed by default on most distributions; here’s the command you’ll need to install it on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install mc
File Related[edit]
- editing in gui leafpad file_name, or if protected sudo leafpad file_name
- editing with no gui use nano same as above but a bit clunky, ctrl prefix to commands
Config Files[edit]
# sudo leafpad /etc/network/interfaces
for Keyboard[edit]
# sudo leafpad /etc/default/keyboard XKBLAYOUT="us"
for WiFi wpa_supplicant.conf[edit]
# for info sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
Go to the bottom of the file and add the following:
# sudo leafpad /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf # at bottom of file # ok to have 2 network={ ssid="The_ESSID_from_earlier" psk="Your_wifi_password" network={ ssid="The_ESSID_from_earlier" psk="Your_wifi_password" }