Pi Setup Dec 2018 - Stretch
Decided time to switch to new os and Python 3, this is more or less a log
Download ....
- Raspbian - Wikipedia Some info on versions, I took the latest from: Download Raspbian for Raspberry Pi I got RASPBIAN STRETCH WITH DESKTOP
Use this for install directions
said use etcher so that is what I plan to do.
at some point may want a flash drive instead of sd card
next look at:
- look at preferences from menu and enable vnc
- in preferences set the localization to yours
- Before installing new application or service in Raspbian, make sure to always type this into terminal: ( if this file is on your PI use cut and paste ) This takes awhile ( perhaps an hour? )
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
You many find the following of use as well Linux Commands On Pi
later you may use
sudo apt-get clean
apt-get clean find software packages that are obsolete or not needed in your system and removes them. That results in a cleaner, more performant, and better system. That's good.
Remote Desktop VNC
- vnc -- turn on use the preferences -- if we could ssh in perhaps we could set up never using a local display, keyboard .....
Default login. Username: pi. Password: raspberry. So, type pi, enter, raspberry, enter. Unless you have changed it.
Static Ip Address
sudo leafpad /etc/dhcpcd.conf
Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file and add one, or both of the following snippets. Depending on whether you want to set a static IP address for a wired connection or a wireless connection eth0 = wired, wlan0 = wireless. You’ll need to edit the numbers in the snippet so they match your network configuration.
- interface = This defines which network interface you are setting the configuration for.
- static ip_address = This is the IP address that you want to set your device to. (Make sure you leave the /24 at the end)
- static routers = This is the IP address of your gateway (probably the IP address or your router)
- static domain_name_servers = This is the IP address of your DNS (probably the IP address of your router). You can add multiple IP addresses here separated with a single space.
- my next Raspberry Pi 182/183 I just pasted this into the bottom of the file
interface eth0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers= interface wlan0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers=
then sudo reboot to try it out - ivp 6 may be a good addition to look into
finish get wifi working
above does part of wifi, but need more -- which is to select wifi using the icon upper right of screen. May be a config file way to do it but have not found a reference that seems accurate for this os.
software installed with package manager
spyder3 arduino stuff
which samba
did not show samba but
sudo apt-get install samba
showed it was there -- not this time it did a big install ?? did it remove and install, the mysteries continue
>>> create mount point
sudo mkdir /mnt/share1
this gave read access
sudo mount -t cifs -o guest // /mnt/share1
read write with this
sudo mount -t cifs -o username="russ",password="passwordhere",workgroup="MSHOME",file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,nobrl // /mnt/share1
Make automatic with fstab
2.2 Password Protected Share sudo mount -t cifs -o username=yourusername,password=yourpassword //WindowsPC/share1 /mnt/mountfoldername 3. Now to check that its mounted , run the following command $ df -h
using fstab
2018 Note: cannot get this to work any more, only guest mount above, working today
- using fstab this will let you auto mount
for nano ctrl O writes a file
sudo leafpad /etc/fstab sudo nano /etc/fstab
note that fstab may be hidden file
// /mnt/share1 cifs user=russ,pass=<password_notin_quotes??>,_netdev 0,0
this looks good for stab
# For Guest Login //WindowsPC/Share1 /mnt/mountfoldername cifs guest 0 0
For Password Protected Login //WindowsPC/Share1 /mnt/mountfoldername cifs username=yourusername,password=yourpassword 0 0
// /mnt/share1 cifs user=russ,pass=squeak13,_netdev 0,0
If you make a new entry in fstab it will not auto-mount. Therefore you must reload / refresh the entries. A reboot will do this but that is not a friendly way to do it. A quick way to reload new entries in /etc/fstab (fstab) is to use the mount command:
mount -a
Updating Python3
Spyder says:You have missing dependencies!
rope >=0.9.4: None (NOK)
Please install them to avoid this message.
ImportError: No module named 'pyperclip'
ng: sudo conda install pyperclip -- conda not installed, on windows part of spyder, apparently not here ok: sudo pip install pyperclip ok: sudo pip3 install rope
Update a file but which? Various suggestions include
- sudo leafpad ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart would be a new file on my system, this may be outdated
- sudo leafpad ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart does exist so I will try it. -- and it worked added "python3 /home/pi/autoexec.py"
- - by editing /etc/rc.local in my case the line added looks like this: su - pi -c kodi -- I have not tried this
since i cannot get fstab to work this is where I do my share
clone for further use
pi now has a utility for this that is supposed to even go from a large sd to a smaller one ( as long as the stuff fits )