Barrel Power Jack
This is the basic barrel power jack. Commonly used with wall-warts to get power onto your board. These come in a variety of sized. 5.5mm OD with a 2.1mm ID (the pin in the middle) is a common size. For DC systems, you also have to know the polarity : center positive means the center pin is positive and the outer shield is grounded or the center pin is grounded and the outer shield is positive. I've always used center positive for DC systems.
Common configuration:
Barrel Jack for 10-15V unregulated from a wall-wart
Reverse polarization diode (1Amp is usually sufficient)
10-100uF decoupling at 25-30V rated caps
LM317, LM1117, LM7805, etc for the voltage regulation (make sure it can handle 10-15V)
10uF and 0.1uF decoupling for Vcc on the far end of the v-reg
SFE Footprint Library
Manufacturer Info:
CUI part # :
Supplier Info:
Digikey part # : LT1528CQ-ND
Single Piece Price : $7.13
Related Items:
Wall warts, voltage regulators, etc
Original Creator: -- 16:36, 28 January 2006 (PST)