Tulsa electronics club
Welcome to the Tulsa electronics club wiki pages.
We build amazing things. Often with lots of blinky lights.
"Bench-Top Power Supply" by James Littlejohn for the Tulsa Electronics Club
Should the Tulsa electronics club remain independent,
or should it join up with the dorkbot network?
What do we need to do to get Tulsa -- or even Oklahoma -- on this map: http://makezine.com/groups ?
What do we need to do to get Tulsa -- or even Oklahoma -- on this map: http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/List_of_People ?
What do we need to do to get Tulsa -- or even Oklahoma -- on this map: RepRap Users Map
What do we need to do to get Tulsa -- on the National Robotics Week map http://www.nationalroboticsweek.org/events (I see Broken Arrow is already on that map -- Yay!)
Other groups near Tulsa that build cool things that may include electronics
- Tulsa Habitat for Humanity
- Engineers Without Borders
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (often lots of students and professors from both ORU and TU show up at a meeting)
- Tulsa Rocketry
- Tulsa Repeater Organization, Inc. (ham radio)
- the Broken Arrow Amateur Radio Club website
- GeeksOK ... at least one member is building a RepRap .
- Tulsa Computer Society is building a map of Tulsa WiFi Hotspots
Whatever happened to the Tulsa group that was building a robot for BattleBots?
local supplier
Should we make a list of local robot parts supplier in or near Tulsa here, analogous to the way the 10BitWorks hackerspace community lists the local San Antonio suppliers?
- http://www.affiliatedelectronics.com/ 8901 East Admiral Place, TULSA OK
- http://rulecompany.com/ 616 S Rockford Ave, TULSA OK
- RadioShack
* 2730 South Harvard * 4965 South Peoria * Garnett Plaza, 11613 E 31 Street * 15 South Sheridan Road * 8518 East 71st Street * Tulsa Hills Shopping Ctr, 7454 S Olympia Ave West * 9591 S Riverside Dr #2 * 10035 South Memorial * 40 South Memorial Drive
- Natural Evolution - Recycling & E-Waste 5719 East 13th Street
- ... and probably many others that would save me time and effort if only I knew about them.