Backup Help File
Revision as of 06:55, 23 September 2019 by Russ hensel (talk | contribs) (→How to Use the Parameter File)
This is the Help "file" for the Python Application whose main page is: Python Backup Program
Help file for backup application.
Application Features
- Highly configurable.
- Only copies new and updated files.
- Produces detailed and summary logs.
- Once set up runs an update with a couple of clicks.
- Recurse down a directory structure ( how far is configurable ).
- Can select files with "file filters" For example only *.png and *.gif files.
- GUI shows activity.
- Can pause.
- Can set to throttle the backup so it does not degrade computer performance.
- Directory structure, file names, file format preserved in backup.
- Backup files may be inspected without need for a restore.
- Can be set to simulate mode where you can see ( via the log files ) what would have been copied.
Download and Install
There is really no install program. Currently the application is intended for those who have at least a little familiarity with Python coding and can just insert the downloaded code into their development environment and run it. Code not yet available.
How To:...
- Setup for backup of a directory. See section below.
- Edit the parameter file: Use your development environment for Python or a text editor to edit See also: The section below, Configuration Files For Python. Normally I have a button on the GUI for this, but this function does not seem so useful for this application
- View the log: Use the application button ( after configuring for your editor ) or any text editor on the file smart_plug.py_log. This is the default file name, it can be changed in
- Install: see section above.
- Debug: see section below.
- Quick Restart of the application: Not in this app, just shutdown and restart.
- Use your preferred text editor. In the parameter file, see below.
How to Use the Parameter File
See: Configuration Files For Python
Editing of the file
- See above in Download and Install
- Enable your favorite editor to work with the application.
- self.ex_editor = r"D:\apps\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" # use r" or the backslashes will not work, or you can use forward slashes instead they may be wrong but they work.
- Lots of other settings:
- Read the comments in and change as desired. If a setting does not work let me know.
- If you mess up.
- Re download and get back to the original parameter file.
see: SmartPlug GUI Images
There are several application outputs that may be useful for debugging.
- Watch the GUI
- Check the Python console.
- Look at the python log file ( use the GUI button <Edit Log> ( specify your editor in first ) or use your editor on the default name of the log file ...\smart_plug\smart_plug.py_log.
Most issues will probably be missing libraries, issues, or just bugs in my code (email me ).
- Python Backup Program main page for this project
- Click on category page for this project ( Python Backup ) below.
- Click on What links here on the left of this page