BullDog Notes
this page is junk, but useful for me for now
=================al servers ========================
VNC/Servers - Community Help Wiki
*>url https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers
============== vino ============================
vino - Enable remote VNC from the commandline? - Ask Ubuntu
*>url https://askubuntu.com/questions/4474/enable-remote-vnc-from-the-commandline
Just running
/usr/lib/vino/vino-server should do the job.
Once you have access to your server, I would recommend that you add it to Autostarted Apps so it is always started.
You'll probably like change some settings with :
vino-preferences be very careful when you run vino-preference on a remote machine, if you uncheck "Allow other users to control your desktop", you won't be able to check it back.
or to edit :
~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/remote_access/%gconf.xml Here a sample file :
<?xml version="1.0"?> <gconf>
<entry name="vnc_password" mtime="1289267042" type="string"> <stringvalue>cXdlcnR5</stringvalue> </entry> <entry name="view_only" mtime="1289262982" type="bool" value="false"/> <entry name="prompt_enabled" mtime="1254965869" type="bool" value="false"/> <entry name="authentication_methods" mtime="1289267034" type="list" ltype="string">
</entry> <entry name="enabled" mtime="128926
====================== x11vnc =============
Just a few scribbled links
- ubuntu enable nas access - Google Search
- ubuntu enable nfs access - Google Search
- [ubuntu How do I access a NAS on my home network? ]
- Mount samba shares with utf8 encoding using cifs
- Howto: Fix Windows share browsing issues
- Editing BullDog Notes - OpenCircuits
- How to Configure a VNC Server to Use an SSH Tunnel on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Liquid Web Knowledge Base
- HOWTO: Tunnel VNC through SSH from a windows machine [Archive - Ubuntu Forums ]
misc vnc notes
I would like to use VNC to access a Ubuntu 18.04 system from windows like I do with the Raspberry Pi.
- Connect to the existing desktop
- Keep the connection secure
This has been a bit of a struggle for a number of gotchas.
As I understand it ( may not have figured it out all the way )
- VNC has a server ( run on the machine you wish to view ) and viewer ( run on the machine you wish to access).
- In addition to having several components there are many versions of VNC. Directions for each differ, and differ across versions of Linux.
- I will focus on Tiger VNC and Ubuntu 18.04
- To get VNC working there seem to be various components.
- VNC server
- Desktop software ( there are many different ones, you may need to install -- however here I want to run on the default Ubuntu 18.04 desktop so no install is necessary )
- A way to connect to the VNC server -- many servers will only connect to localhost so we will use vnc tunnelling to make a remote connection appear to be on localhost
Other Software Used
before installs
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade
Process viewer (htop)
- Why This will let you see what vnc software is running.
- Install >> sudo apt -install htop
- Run >> htop
- Exit >> ctrl-c
- Why see your server's tcp ip address
- Install >> sudo apt -install ??
- Run >> ifconfig
- Exit >> just ends
- Install >> sudo apt install openssh-server
might this help gconf-editor
Ubuntu text editor ( gedit )
- Install >> apt-get -install ??
- Run >> htop
Ubuntu File Browser
Tiger VNC
- Note: there may already be vncserver software installed perhaps vineo ??
- Install >> sudo apt-get install tigervnc-scraping-server
- Install ( may not be needed ) >> sudo apt install tigervnc-standalone-server tigervnc-viewer
- Set password >>vncpasswd << gotcha, if run server with no password set. If this does not run find an install -- perhaps full tiger vnc to get it.
- Run gotcha >> x0tigervncserver << but gotcha, needs to be pointed to password file so
- Run >> x0tigervncserver -PasswordFile ~/.vnc/passwd
- Run gotcha this is not the scraping server may not be installed >> tigervncserver -xstartup /usr/bin/xterm
- Set password >>vncpasswd << gotcha, if run server with no password set.
- edit configuration file >> use file browser but .vnc is hidden so turn on hidden file abillity ( one of its menus )
- Manual Page: may not be the best >> https://man.cx/x0tigervncserver(1)
- set password with >> vncpasswd
- see running servers >> vncserver -list
- what runs with command vncserver >> which vncserver
right answer is ??
- what about owner of the .Xauthority file, https://askubuntu.com/questions/772090/how-can-i-resolve-x11-problem-with-putty-if-i-have-this-error-putty-x11-proxy
no keyboard untill 1 - > 4 gig memory still running slugish??
tiger vnc
sudo apt install tigervnc-standalone-server tigervnc-viewer
start in terminal with
russ@UbuntuBase-VB:~$ vncserver
New 'UbuntuBase-VB:1 (russ)' desktop at :1 on machine UbuntuBase-VB
Starting applications specified in /etc/X11/Xvnc-session Log file is /home/russ/.vnc/UbuntuBase-VB:1.log
Use xtigervncviewer -SecurityTypes VncAuth -passwd /home/russ/.vnc/passwd :1 to connect to the VNC server.
russ@UbuntuBase-VB:~$ vncserver
loopback IP address is
not done yet ------
Start TigerVNC vncserver at boot
The ubuntu install package also registers a system service, making it easy to define listening vnc servers on startup. Edit the file /etc/default/vncserver and add the display number and user to start as:
sudo gedit /etc/default/vncserver
Then enable the service at boot with:
sudo update-rc.d vncserver defaults
end not done
vncserver in terminal to start
Use xtigervncviewer -SecurityTypes VncAuth -passwd /home/russ/.vnc/passwd :1 to connect to the VNC server.
more installs --------------------
sudo apt install openssh-server
done ------------------
sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib"
etting up libauthen-pam-perl (0.16-3build5) ... Setting up apt-show-versions (0.22.7ubuntu1) ...
- initializing cache. This may take a while **
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-21) ... Setting up webmin (1.910) ... Webmin install complete. You can now login to https://UbuntuBase-VB:10000/ as root with your root password, or as any user who can use sudo to run commands as root. Processing triggers for systemd (237-3ubuntu10.21) ... Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ... Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-21) ... russ@UbuntuBase-VB:~$
what is running tiger?? ----------------
sudo apt-get install htop htop
start with
tigervncserver -xstartup /usr/bin/xterm
remania connccts ok with
password password
590 desktop number may get the desktop number whhen start tigervnc with the command
vncserver ??
how do I know so little
see what is going on with htop
vncserver -kill :1
vnc viewerr is also installed
this seems pretty good
How to remotely display and control a Linux desktop from a Windows or Linux system using VNC https://www.linuxtopia.org/HowToGuides/VNC_setup_Linux_Windows.html
ls ~ -a to see home hidden files there is a .vnc
sudo gedit ~/.vnc/default.tigervnc
How to list VNC server sessions on Ubuntu Linux $ vncserver -list
ifconfig -a. ip addr (ip a)
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.
3. Once installed, SSH starts automatically in background. And you can check its status via command:
sudo systemctl status ssh.service
Ubuntu Manpage: x0tigervncserver - TigerVNC Server for X displays
x0tigervncserver -PasswordFile ~/.vnc/default.tigervnc
gedit ~/.vnc/default.tigervnc