Pi MySql
next mysql 2018 streach update:
Well it may not be mysql any more it may be marinadb which is an open source version and therefor to be preferred by me. It is mostly compatible but does make some differences in configuration and other details.
crashed at end but seemed to work >> sudo apt-get install mysql-server --fix-missing how do I get to this??>> set password ****** same as for others did not work>> sudo apt-get install mysql-client php5-mysql ran fine >> sudo apt-get install mysql-workbench
mySql workbench now on menu for programming.
what is default pass and id ?? I finally found a solution. The answer is NO password is set. The best way to access mysql is to sudo su which makes you root. Then you can run the command mysql -u root -p and it will log you in. At this point your are command line connected to mysql.
now to change the password:
password at this point may be blank change?
looks good
Enable remote access
I find it is easiest to set up a user and root and then use sql-workbench, which right now is not working on the pi, remotely.
There are 2 parts to remote connection:
- the listen on bind-address which is further confused by the cnf file name, I looked at and changed several.
- and the grant of rights which also depends on the ip address that you are coming from.
this suggests where you might look for the cnf file ( why is it so complicated ) https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/configuring-mariadb-with-mycnf/#location-in-linux-unix-mac
I browse all the .cnf files under /etc/mysql and its subs and changed them all this finally worked.
If your issue is not able to remotely connect with MySQL on Raspberry Pi, then try below steps. I had the same issue and got it resolved by performing below commands.
sudo leafpad /etc/mysql/my.cnf # bind-address = // comment this line out #add this line just below above line bind-address = //restart mysql sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
- in 2018 i found this useful https://websiteforstudents.com/configure-remote-access-mysql-mariadb-databases/
- later might want to look at https://serverfault.com/questions/139323/mysql-bind-to-more-than-one-ip-address
make non root user
This can be done in the workbench -- but workbench did not install correctly for me and when it does work it still complains about connecting. how do we allow them remote access and access to our db and table?
Restarting The MySQL service
sudo service mysql restart
make db
schema env_data_1 CREATE TABLE `env_data_table_1` ( `gh_time` decimal(14,2) NOT NULL, `temp_1` float DEFAULT NULL, `temp_2` float DEFAULT NULL, `humid_1` float DEFAULT NULL, `humid_2` float DEFAULT NULL, `door_1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `door_2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `door_3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `door_4` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `light` float DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`gh_time`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
for python
and that did it the pip now worked then
pip install pymysql
Possible useful sql commands
To Restart MySQL/MariaDB server
Use the below commands to restart the MySQL/MariaDB server in Linux.
- For Sysvinit Systems #
- service mysql restart
- /etc/init.d/mysql restart
- For Systemd Systems #
- systemctl restart mariadb.service
- systemctl restart mysql.service
- systemctl restart mariadb
Links some useful
- Configuring MariaDB for Remote Client Access - MariaDB Knowledge Base
- mysql - MariaDB not allowing remote connections - Stack Overflow
- Configuring MariaDB with my.cnf - MariaDB Knowledge Base
- How to Enable MySQL Remote Connection on Your Raspberry Pi
- How to install MariaDB on Raspbian and the Raspberry Pi
- pi zero - Raspbian Stretch with MariaDB - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange
- pi zero - Raspbian Stretch with MariaDB - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange
- How to install MariaDB on Raspbian and the Raspberry Pi
- Setting up WordPress on Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Stretch Lite, nginx, MariaDB and PHP 7 as the LEMP stack - Techcoil Blog
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