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''''''''''Open source Hackers''''''''''
'Open source Hackers'
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* Drupal 8 Development Begins — 15 Bugs At a Time * First Look At Chrome 10 * Australia Creates Cyberwarfare Unit * DraftSight 2D CAD For Linux Beta Available * US Lawyers Target Swedish Pirate, and His Unicorn * 8.8 Earthquake Near Japanese Coast * New Hardware Needed For Future Computational Brain * Should Public Libraries Become Hacker Spaces? * Copyright Troll Complains of Defendant's Legal Fees * Gamer Banned From Dragon Age II Over Forum Post * Clearwire Sued Over WiMAX Throttling * Eric Schmidt a Contender For US Commerce Secretary * Microsoft Patent Deems Comic Books Shameful * Prepare For Massive Wave of Earthquake Scams * Miguel de Icaza On Usability and Openness * Google Introduces Domain Blocking To Search * Novell Sale Delayed Due To Patent Investigation * Doom Creator Says Direct3D Is Now Better Than OpenGL * Smartphone Device Detects Cancer In an Hour * What Data Mining Firms Know About You * Brazilian Spider Bite May Become the Next Viagra * Improving Nature's Top Recyclers * Game Maker Says 40% of iTunes In-App Buys Are Fraud * NASA To Host Open Source Summit * 'Son of ACTA' Worse Than Original * Ask Slashdot: Worst Computer Scene In TV or Movies?
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And hacker orgnizations. These are the white hat guys hacking electronics to make things. Includes DIY types, the people who read Make Magazine.
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Meta Open Source
Not projects or information on projects, but stuff about the open source movement ( mostly hardware ) itself.
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