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passione di zingara www ibiza www parishilton com www esercito italiano com www poste it dovequando www cartolinediddl it www happyfunny com A quote from Atmel's site: "Atmel Corporation is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of advanced semiconductors, with focus on microcontrollers, nonvolatile memory, logic, radio frequency (RF) components and sensors. These functions are marketed as standard products, application-specific standard products (ASSPs) or customer-specific products (ASICs) in order to provide a rapid and flexible response to the needs of Atmel’s customers."
Atmel is a maker of the extremely popular AVR series of microcontrollers.
- Atmel
- the Atmel AVR wiki discusses the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers
- AVR Butterfly demonstrates the ATMEL AVR ATmega169V
- what about the ARM processers Atmel makes?