Linuxstamp mx27
This is a place holder for the Linuxstamp mx27 board. Details will be posted as they are available.
Info will be posted when it's available, but you can contact me directly at pthomas8589 at gmail
OpenOCD has been in a pretty steady state of flux. For now just grab the current SVN:
$ svn checkout svn://
Configure it:
$ ./configure --enable-ft2232_libftdi --enable-maintainer-mode
Make it:
$ make
Install it:
# make install
Initialize openocd:
# openocd -f interface/signalyzer.cfg -f board/imx27som.cfg
Open connection to OpenOCD
$ telnet localhost 4444
Redboot is based on ecos. A good starting point is here First pull the installer
$ wget --passive-ftp
Then run it, be sure to include the arm-elf tools as that's what the freescale version wants.
$ ./ecos-install.tcl
It wants to run so set up the environment correctly. It says to stick it in .profile or .login. I think .bashrc will also work. Install old compat-libstdc
# yum install compat-libstdc++-3
Freescale has a version of ecos that they have patched to work with the imx27. First you need to download redboot_200719.tar.gz, that has both the base as well as the patches. to convert all the dos files to unix files use:
$ find . -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;
Then you can patch the tree:
$ bunzip2 -c ../patch-redboot-200719-base.bz2 | patch -p1 $ bunzip2 -c ../patch-redboot-200719-mx27.bz2 | patch -p1
Next set the ECOS_REPOSITORY environment variable:
$ export ECOS_REPOSITORY=/path_to_redboot/redboot_200719/src/ecos_20050912/packages/
Configure for imx27
$ ecosconfig new mx27ads redboot $ ecosconfig import $ECOS_REPOSITORY/hal/arm/mx27/ads/current/misc/redboot_ROMRAM.ecm $ ecosconfig tree
And finally make:
$ make
Now you should have redboot.bin under install/bin