Playing With PIC Pack
recording some experiences playing with pic pack, not linked into site unless it seems useful
could not find beginning of blog, best I got was part 13, googling let me find welcome finally got the archive for 08 to open,
First 4 parts
Just read them.
5. Your first pic program
Jan 11 2009:
said: adventures\flash try instead: demos\flasher think this is were it is now
no mention of target, i left it at: 16f88
said building... but then nothing? I am using 6.90
tried compile and got error locating the compiler, so I pointed to mine, problem was I did not keep mine in the normal location, all users shuld check this setting
Then had error finding C:\Source\Electronics\MicroController\Pic\PicPack\demoCopy\flasher\flasher.c(7): Unable to open include file: pic_utils.h
this is because I had moved the project, need to keep the relative locations of... demos and pic_pack_lib unchanged
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