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Skillet Reflow Soldering

(or more accurately, Hot Plate Reflow Soldering)

A simple method of reflow soldering, the basic steps are:

  • Apply solder paste to the board (See the Stenciling external link, Warning: Solder Paste is hazardous)
  • Place the components with a pair of tweezers (pretty close will often do, the solder will pull small parts into position)
  • Lay the board on an electric skillet or hot plate
  • Crank up the heat
  • Watch for the solder paster to melt
  • Turn the heat off

Notes: The surface heating element may not cover the entire plate surface, creating hot and cool spots in the process. To counter this, when observing the soldering process gently move the board to melt solder in any cool spots. .

See als 1000 o: Some people claim that toaster ovens are better than skillets for reflowing PCBs full of electronic components.

Safety Warnings

Solder paste may contain lead and is a hazardous material. Be certain you research (read your solder pastes Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)) and follow proper safety and handling procedures.

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