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Vehicle-related open hardware projects,
I autorimessa sopra albero sono ottimi verso numerosi motivi. Un autorimessa sopra albero prefabbricato e una soluto tirocinio, economica e adatto a parecchi problemi. Appunto in aggiunta a prendere possesso un box garage con legna alla maniera di sede automobile, attraverso parcheggiarla in tutta certezza, il autorimessa con bastone si prestera alla maniera di fattore decorativo nel nostro brolo oppure aia e sara quandanche un ricovero immancabile e utile verso esercitare i nostri hobbies se no conservare oggetti e attrezzi. In breve acquisire un autorimessa sopra bastone e cautelarsi una solida e sicura conformazione milleusi, resistente agli incendi e i quali opportunamente tutelato dall'umidita restera saldo attraverso moltissimi etа donando eroismo alla vostra proprieta. Comporre un garage sopra legna prefabbricato e molto evidente perche tutti i pezzi sono pronti con modo da incunearsi fermamente l'uno all'altro, cosi i quali non avrete bisogno di particolari attrezzi se no tra alquanto lavoro. Solitamente tutti temono le quali un garage durante bastone prefabbricato proveniente da buona qualita sia carissimo. Sembra scarso possibile le quali i prezzi dei autorimessa sopra bastone possano rimanere bassi a fronte che tanti vantaggi e tra garanzie che qualita, viceversa la verita e le quali possiamo comperare un garage sopra bastone prefabbricato a scarso somma e che buona qualita. I prezzi partono da cifre inferiori ai mille euro e salgono con fondamento alla lunghezza e ai requisiti richiesti, ma si puo ribattere le quali che principio, si puo acquisire un buon garage sopra albero a un valore scarso ai mille euro! Nй e un importo per niente eccelso comparato per mezzo di il eroismo del bene le quali andiamo ad divenire titolare e per mezzo di la certezza il quale ci regalera permettondoci tra esimersi da danni alla nostra autoveicolo ovvero ad oggetti il quale vogliamo conservare. Cos'altro integrare? I quali vi colf per risarcire autovettura oppure la vostra atto a motivo di furti e intemperie, secondo restaurare mobili o dipingere, o in che modo hangar secondo a lei attrezzi, un autorimessa sopra legno e sempre una buona scelta. Probabile per salire, saldo, multiuso, ed vantaggioso, nй soletto secondo il prezzo soggetto riguardo all'utilita invece per i oro i quali ci fara risparmiare sopra altre averi, il tempo sudato e la tranquillita di far sapere la nostra automezzo al certo presso animali, ladri, vandali o intemperie.
for both manned and unmanned vehicles.
=== Open OBDII ===
[http://garageinlegno.info garage in legno]
[http://www.sterntech.com/obdii.php Link to source and schematics]
Open source hardware and software implementing OBDII tester for cars.
Two versions one using a PIC microcontroller and one using an AVR microcontroller.
== Mowbot ==
an open project to build Mowbot, a robot lawnmower.
== helicopter ==
See [[multi-rotor]].
== cycle electronics ==
I have created a web site where I am going to post my projects, mostly electronic but also some software. So, to start, if anyone like to enhance tail light on his motorcycle - welcome to [http://www.boldline.org BoldLine.org].
P.S. I don't know if you guys have a some kind of formatting standard here. So, if I posted this incorrectly could someone correct me, please?
''Welcome. --[[User:DavidCary|DavidCary]] 14:38, 23 July 2007 (PDT)''
== small rocket computer ==
What kind of electronics are small enough to fit into a small hobby model rocket?
See [[rocket computer]].
=== RCAP: R/C Auto Pilot: Remote Control Auto Pilot ===
"The RCAP2 is a Remote Control AutoPilot] for model airplanes, cars and boats. The autopilot function can be switched off or on during flight with the flick of a switch." Uses PIC16F876A to:
* read (servo) commands from the RC server
* read (RS-232) GPS location from a NMEA capable GPS (with programmable goto/waypoints functions)
* drive (servo) commands to the rudder.
[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/RCAP RCAP Documentation at Wikibooks ],
and [http://rcpilot.sourceforge.net/modules/rcap/index.php RCAP PCB layout at Sourceforge ].
== bicycle computer ==
What sort of electronics are useful mounted to a bicycle?
Does it make any sense to mount the display on the bicycle helmet rather than on the handlebars?
* speed (miles, kilometers, and wheel RPM), trip distance covered, trip time, total distance (odometer), elapsed time and calories burned.
* pedal rpm == pedals per minute
* beep every 10 minutes to remind me to get a drink of water
* torque, force, power, etc.
* [http://www.massmind.org/techref/piclist/biketut/index.htm "Build a simple bike computer: Learn how to program a PIC] by Fred Maher
* [http://cyclerecorder.org/blog/20070421 The CycleRecorder Project]: "open source hardware and software project started by ... Robert Fitzsimons. The main goal of the project is to develop a modular and portable platform suitable for use with a bicycle, which can be used to record various aspects of a cyclists journey." ... used the open source tools [[GEDA | gschem and pcb]] ... (also links to several similar projects)
* [http://solar-blogg.blogspot.com/2009/08/bicycle-speedometer-project.html "Bicycle Speedometer Project"] at the "solarwind" blog.
* [http://www.mystrobl.de/ws/pic/tacho/bikecurrent.htm A data logging tool for the bicycle] by Wolfgang Strobl 1998: a PIC processor that interfaces between a reed contact (wheel revolution sensor) and a standard serial interface (to a handheld computer or PDA). mentions connector problems -- have USB connectors solved this problem?
* [http://www.obico.de/ oBiCo: the open bicycle computer]: ARM9 processor and ATMEGA88 processor; Micro-SD Interface; plays MP3, OGG, etc. files; TFT-color display; 3 axis accelerometer; battery charged by dynamo or USB; Logging your tour data like GPS coordinates, heart frequency, speed and other parameters to a MicroSD-Card. The [http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Bicycle_Computer p2pfoundation wiki discusses the open bicycle computer]
* [http://www.mail-archive.com/community@lists.openmoko.org/msg13075.html OpenMoko: use of the Neo1973 and tangoGPS as a bicycle computer]
* [http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/01/sensors-on-board-bicycle-computer-rider-feedback-riding-easier.php "Sensors Linked To On-Board Bicycle Computer Could Make Riding Easier"]
* [http://microship.com/bike/behemoth/ BEHEMOTH] (Big Electronic Human-Energized Machine... Only Too Heavy).
* [http://microship.com/bike/winnebiko2/ Winnebiko II]: primary design objective -- being able to type while riding a bike
* Spoke-POV [[POV display]].
== UUV ==
The people at [http://openrov.com/ OpenROV] are working on open source underwater robots for exploration, education, and adventure.
Several people at [http://diydrones.com/ DIY drones] and elsewhere are working on a UUV: unmanned underwater vehicle.
[http://diydrones.com/profiles/blog/list?tag=ArduRov ArduRov] and
[http://diydrones.com/photo/rov-progress-pictures-52506-2] and
[http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/705844:Topic:30854] and
[http://diydrones.com/profiles/blog/show?id=705844%3ABlogPost%3A741095] and
[http://web.mit.edu/imoyer/www/portfolio/yellowsub/index.html "The Yellow Submarine" built by Ilan E. Moyer] is a relatively small, low-cost UUV.
== robot clubs ==
''FIXME: should Tulsa robotics clubs go here, or at [[Tulsa electronics club#Tulsa robotics groups]]?''
== unsorted ==
* [http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/LifeTrac LifeTrac] -- the world's first open-source high-performance four-wheel-drive tractor
* [http://osbots.com/ Open Source Robotics]
* [http://evproduction.org/wiki EV production wiki] discusses several electric open source vehicles.
* [http://theoscarproject.org the OScar project] is developing an open-source automobile. Will it [http://www.theoscarproject.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=21&func=view&id=418&catid=13 get its own wiki]? perhaps at [http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Open_Source_Car Open Source Ecology: Open Source Car]?
* [http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profiles/blogs/wikispeed-and-open-source-ecology-announce-partnership-in-open "WIKISPEED and Open Source Ecology Announce Partnership in Open-Hardware Movement"]: "The open-hardware movement got a tremendous boost today when WIKISPEED... and Open Source Ecology (OSE)... announced that they are teaming up to revolutionize transportation in the developing world. ... a high-performance modular car that gets 100 mpg and meets all U.S. safety standards": [http://opensourceecology.org/ OSE] and [http://www.wikispeed.com/ WIKISPEED]
* [http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/cmmn_the_worlds_first_opensource_car__5847.asp "c,mm,n", the world's first open-source car] (via [http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2007/mar/30/dutchattempta the Guardian])
* Are the designs for General Motors' first all-electric car -- the Lunar Rover -- available?
* Are the designs for any of the electric cars mentioned in "[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_speed_record Wikipedia: land speed record]" available?
* [http://tlb.org/eunicycle.html the Electric Unicycle]: the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunicycle eunicycle].
* heads-up display in a motorcycle helmet[http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/34462/149/]
* [http://openuav.astroplanes.com/ OpenUAV, Open Source UAV Project]: "All source code/hardware schematics are open source (GPL) and can be freely downloaded from this site."
* [http://www.metricmind.com/ac_honda/main2.htm DIY advanced high performance electric vehicle conversion project]. The [http://www.metricmind.com/ac_honda/images/led21.jpg stop light text matrix] is a pretty cool project all by itself.
* [http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/04/080402204950.htm "Smart Brake Light System Would Provide More Information To Drivers"]
* Openflight http://openflight.org/ wiki: "Crowdsourcing the flying car - collaborative design of flying cars"
* [http://massmind.org/techref/postbot.asp?by=thread&id=PIC%5Fk+You+Brains Massmind: "PIC_k You Brains"] has a long thread on a rocket-launch computer including a big count-down display, ignition control, and various safety features.
* [http://www.mikrokopter.de "Mikrokopter"] AVR powered quadrocopter.
* Infineon has information on [http://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/applications/automotive/ "Automotive Electronics"]
* [http://www.panaceauniversity.org/ Panacea University] has several open-source projects, some of them involving vehicle electronics.
* [http://endless-sphere.com/forums/ Endless-sphere.com: Electric Vehicle Technology Forums]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MegaSquirt MegaSquirt] aftermarket electronic fuel injection (EFI) controller is relatively "open" hardware -- the source code and schematics are available for troubleshooting and modification and educational purposes, but not for copying -- they can be freely downloaded from the MegaSquirt website. See also the MegaSquirt HowTos at [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/BMW_E30_Megasquirt_%26_Wasted_Spark_ECU_Convertion Wikibooks: "BMW E30 Megasquirt & Wasted Spark ECU Convertion"] and [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Nissan_240SX_Performance_Modification/KA24DE_and_KA24E/ITB%27s Wikibooks: "Nissan 240SX Performance Modification"] and the [http://wiki.diyefi.co.uk/ DIYEFI wiki] and the [http://www.diy-efi.org/ DIY-EFI wiki]
* [http://www.vems.hu/wiki/ VEMS Wiki] discusses a Versatile Engine Management System
* [http://freeems.sourceforge.net/ SourceForge: FreeEMS]: A free and open source Engine Management System including both hardware and software design. Also has a [http://wiki.freeems.org/doku.php FreeEMS wiki]. Apparently somehow related to http://DIYEFI.org/ ? Is there a more recent version of the information in the [http://deletionpedia.dbatley.com/w/index.php?title=FreeEMS_(deleted_24_Aug_2008_at_07:02) 2008 backup]?
* [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/RC_Airplane/RCAP RCAP2 is a Remote Control AutoPilot] for model airplanes, cars and boats. Uses a PIC16F876 to interface between a GPS serial port and RC servo motors. Mike Pawlowski released the original version as open hardware. Also uses a [[PIC Programmers, In Circuit Programming and BootLoaders| PIC bootloader]]. [http://rcpilot.sourceforge.net/modules/rcap/index.php RCAP firmware at Sourceforge].
* [http://code.google.com/p/xarias/ Xarias is an embedded car computer system]. It reads data directly from the sensors -- speed, rpm, fuel injectors, etc -- and displays speed, fuel consumption, engine RPM, internal and external temperature, journey time, distance, average speed and fuel consumption, total fuel consumed, cost, etc. Xarias is based on the Atmel ATMega32 MCU. The firmware is in C and is open source (GPL). All PCBs were designed using open-source gEDA software (schematic and PCB layout).
* [https://sourceforge.net/projects/opengauge/ OpenGage] measures miles per gallon fuel efficiency. Open source.
* Freedom EV is an open source hardware electric vehicle.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_EV Wikipedia: Freedom EV]; [http://evproduction.org/wiki/index.php?title=Freedom_EV EVProduction wiki: Freedom EV]
* [http://www.pegasushabproject.org.uk/wiki/doku.php Pegasus HAB Project wiki] documents the Pegasus High Altitude Balloon project.
* "This is what my car needs": a "Sorry, my bad!" button [http://theoatmeal.com/blog/car_needs]
* [http://multiplo.org/ Multiplo] is apparently an open-source robot building system. Via [http://singularityhub.com/2012/10/25/build-your-own-robot-with-multiplo/ "Build your own robot with Multiplo"]
* [http://code.google.com/p/er9x/ "er9x"] is open-source custom firmware for the Atmel AtMega64 inside a Eurgle/FlySky/Imax/Turnigy 9x r/c Transmitter. The hardware includes 2 sticks, 3 pots, 7 switches, and a 128x64px screen. (via [http://robotics.stackexchange.com/questions/413/questions-about-quadcopter-and-radio-controller "Robotics: Questions about quadcopter and radio controller"]). People are also publishing more-or-less "open hardware" mods to get it to do things it was never designed to do: [http://9xforums.com/wiki/index.php/Hardware_Mods_%26_Other_Guides Hardware Mods "9x radio Hardware Mods"].
* [http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2010/01/wood-gas-cars.html "Wood gas vehicles: firewood in the fuel tank"]: "During the Second World War, almost every motorised vehicle in continental Europe was converted to use firewood. ... Wood gas cars ... Wood gasification"
''(FIXME: clearly separate open-source designs for entire vehicles, including moving parts -- cars, skateboards, quadcopters, etc. -- from vehicle-related projects that have no moving parts in themselves -- miles-per-gallon meters and other measurement and datalogger tools, engine management systems, eye-catching turn signals and wheel-POV displays, etc.)''

Revision as of 12:01, 9 April 2013

I autorimessa sopra albero sono ottimi verso numerosi motivi. Un autorimessa sopra albero prefabbricato e una soluto tirocinio, economica e adatto a parecchi problemi. Appunto in aggiunta a prendere possesso un box garage con legna alla maniera di sede automobile, attraverso parcheggiarla in tutta certezza, il autorimessa con bastone si prestera alla maniera di fattore decorativo nel nostro brolo oppure aia e sara quandanche un ricovero immancabile e utile verso esercitare i nostri hobbies se no conservare oggetti e attrezzi. In breve acquisire un autorimessa sopra bastone e cautelarsi una solida e sicura conformazione milleusi, resistente agli incendi e i quali opportunamente tutelato dall'umidita restera saldo attraverso moltissimi etа donando eroismo alla vostra proprieta. Comporre un garage sopra legna prefabbricato e molto evidente perche tutti i pezzi sono pronti con modo da incunearsi fermamente l'uno all'altro, cosi i quali non avrete bisogno di particolari attrezzi se no tra alquanto lavoro. Solitamente tutti temono le quali un garage durante bastone prefabbricato proveniente da buona qualita sia carissimo. Sembra scarso possibile le quali i prezzi dei autorimessa sopra bastone possano rimanere bassi a fronte che tanti vantaggi e tra garanzie che qualita, viceversa la verita e le quali possiamo comperare un garage sopra bastone prefabbricato a scarso somma e che buona qualita. I prezzi partono da cifre inferiori ai mille euro e salgono con fondamento alla lunghezza e ai requisiti richiesti, ma si puo ribattere le quali che principio, si puo acquisire un buon garage sopra albero a un valore scarso ai mille euro! Nй e un importo per niente eccelso comparato per mezzo di il eroismo del bene le quali andiamo ad divenire titolare e per mezzo di la certezza il quale ci regalera permettondoci tra esimersi da danni alla nostra autoveicolo ovvero ad oggetti il quale vogliamo conservare. Cos'altro integrare? I quali vi colf per risarcire autovettura oppure la vostra atto a motivo di furti e intemperie, secondo restaurare mobili o dipingere, o in che modo hangar secondo a lei attrezzi, un autorimessa sopra legno e sempre una buona scelta. Probabile per salire, saldo, multiuso, ed vantaggioso, nй soletto secondo il prezzo soggetto riguardo all'utilita invece per i oro i quali ci fara risparmiare sopra altre averi, il tempo sudato e la tranquillita di far sapere la nostra automezzo al certo presso animali, ladri, vandali o intemperie.

garage in legno