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[http://www.pwnd.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1930 strap on]
[http://www.pwnd.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1930 strap on]
== wiki-nodes of neighboring wiki ==
Hi guys,
I found so much useful things here.
Thank you.
open hardware cell phone wiki:
[http://www.pwnd.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1656 big tits round asses] |
[http://www.pwnd.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1734 asian babes] |
* [http://opencellphone.org/ TuxPhone wiki at http://opencellphone.org/]
[http://www.pwnd.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1697 exploited moms] |
* [http://hbmobile.org/wiki/ Homebrew Mobile Phone Club wiki at http://hbmobile.org/wiki/]
[http://www.pwnd.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1930 strap on]
* [http://widgetry.org/dokuwiki/ OpenCell wiki at http://widgetry.org/dokuwiki/]
* [http://wiki.openmoko.org/ OpenMoko wiki at http://wiki.openmoko.org/] discusses open hardware cell phone you can buy now.
* [http://iphone.fiveforty.net/wiki/ wiki for open-source software for a popular (but proprietary hardware) phone]
other open wireless communications wiki:
* [http://wsn.oversigma.com/ WSN, the Wireless Sensor Network wiki] discusses wireless sensor networks. (wired sensor network discussion is also tolerated :-).
* [http://wiki.twibright.com/ a wiki for RONJA] (Reasonable Optical Near Joint Access) Free Space Optics device[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RONJA]. ("free technology" is the same as "open hardware", right?)
* [http://wiki.openwrt.org/ OpenWRT wiki]: "OpenWrt is an open source project to create a free embedded operating system for network devices."
other related wiki:
:For open source software (or open source in general) visit the [http://opensource.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Open Source Wikia].
* [http://adciv.org/ the advanced civilization wiki] discusses "Open collaborative design", which seems to include the sort of [[open hardware]] designs we share at Open Circuits.
* [http://openservo.com/ OpenServo wiki] -- developing a digital servo motor that accepts "Go to position X" commands and also more complex curves, and returns actual servo position, speed, voltage and power consumption.
* [http://electronicschat.org/ the Electronics Chat wiki]
* [http://hcvl.hci.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/openEyeswiki/index.cgi the openEyes wiki] discusses an open-source open-hardware toolkit for low-cost real-time eye tracking.
* [http://wiki.asiaquake.org/openeeg/published/WikiNode the OpenEEG wiki] discusses building an OpenEEG, safe ways to attach it to your head, and software for it.
* [http://communitywiki.org/odd/ComputerComponent/WikiNode Computer Component wiki] "for computer and electronics enthusiasts to learn and contribute to an online database of computer hardware and electronics with an emphasis on how-to guides."
<!-- 2006-12-18: hard wiki is offline. * [http://hardwiki.com/ Hard wiki]:''needs wiki-node'' -->
* [http://nslu2-linux.org/ the NSLU2-Linux development group] seems to do a lot of wiring and soldering. ''needs wiki-node''
* [http://wikidevices.org/ Wiki Devices] "a highly organized repository for objective information, as well as opinions on consumer electronics."
* [http://wikiindex.com/Build_Your_Own_Arcade the Build Your Own Arcade controls wiki]
* [http://www-robotics.usc.edu/~dshell/roboticswiki/ Robotics wiki] ''(offline as of 2007-07-07)''
* [http://geda.seul.org/wiki/ the gEDA wiki] discusses "the gEDA project" -- developing a full GPL‘d suite of Electronic Design Automation tools (electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout.
* microcontroller wiki:
** [http://gainer.cc/wiki/ the Gainer wiki] discusses the Cypress PSoC microcontroller
** [http://avrwiki.com/ the Atmel AVR wiki] discusses the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers
** [http://techref.massmind.org/techref/piclist/ the PICList at the massmind] and [http://oase.uci.kun.nl/~mientki/wikifarm/stef/index.php PiciWiki] discusses the Microchip PIC series of microcontrollers
** [http://www.open-research.org.uk/ARMuC/ the ARM microcontroller wiki]
** [http://gnusim8085.sourceforge.net/ the GNUSim8085 wiki] for the Intel 8085 microprocessor
** [http://nioswiki.jot.com/ Nios community wiki] discusses the Nios II processor, and how to implement it on a FPGA
** [http://jopdesign.com/wiki/index.php the JOP wiki discusses the Java Optimized Processor, a simple and small Java processor optimized to execute Java bytecode, implemented in a low cost FPGA]
** [http://wiki.opensparc.net/ the OpenSPARC Wiki] discussing open-source versions of the SPARC processor architecture, including implementing it in a FPGA
* [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Embedded_Systems the Embedded Systems wikibook]
* [http://sensorwiki.org/ the sensor wiki]
* [http://linuxtv.org/wiki/ the LinuxTV wiki] occasionally has some chip-level information, such as the [http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/I2c_Protocol I2C protocol] and [http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/BT878 sampling analog data at 16 bits and 448000 Samples per second with a BT878 chip]
* [http://howto.wikia.com/wiki/WikiNode WikiHowto] occasionally has electronic projects such as [http://howto.wikia.com/wiki/Howto_build_an_ultra_low_power_clock_with_a_large_period WikiHowto: Howto build an ultra low power clock with a large period]
* [http://wiki.duskglow.com/ The Open Graphics Project (OGP) is developing graphics cards with fully published specs and open source drivers.] Since the first version will be a FPGA, is also collecting information on FPGA programming and interfacing.
* [http://elinux.org/ the embedded Linux wiki] has information on running Linux on several small ARM-based embedded systems. Also TexasInstruments OMAP processors.
* [http://wikihost.org/wikis/openhardware/ the Open Hardware wiki] has electronics projects of various levels of complexity; the most complicated appears to be "KAD", a FPGA on a PCI card designed for reconfigurable computing.
* [http://pminmo.com/PMinMOwiki/index.php5 the PMinMO.com wiki] describes an open-source CNC machine -- software, electronics, motors, hardware, etc. -- and related information, such as [http://pminmo.com/PMinMOwiki/index.php5?title=CNC_PCB_Milling CNC PCB milling]. (was: [http://pminmo.com/wiki/] ) ''needs WikiNode''
* [http://linuxrobots.org/wiki/WikiNode Linux Robots] -- robots that run Linux
* [http://protel-users.org/ Protel users wiki], for people who design and draw schematics and circuit boards with Protel.
* [http://elinux.org/wiki/ embedded Linux wiki] ''needs wikinode''
* [http://vems.hu/wiki/ VEMS wiki] has some interesting electronics projects. In particular, the [http://www.vems.hu/wiki/index.php?page=GoBox GoBox project] to tune automobile engines to minimize the amount of fuel used. ''needs wikinode''
* various small CPU modules that have their own wiki (see also [[ARMUS Embedded Linux Board]] )
** [http://balloonboard.org/balloonwiki/WikiNode Balloonboard Wiki] for the Balloon Project. They have developed a small single-board computer that can run Linux. Also discusses "The Balloon Open Hardware License (BOHL) ... The license is intended as a general purpose open hardware license".
** [http://docwiki.gumstix.org/ gumstix wiki] : "[http://docwiki.gumstix.org/Schematics Schematics and layouts for all gumstix expansion boards] are available under a Creative Commons license." ''needs wikinode''
** [http://virtualcogs.com/wiki/ Virtual Cogs wiki] describes a CPU board that uses a stacking connector system.
** [http://wiki.emqbit.com/free-ecb-at91 the emQbit wiki] discusses "The Free ECB_AT91 V1 is a Single Board Computer made by emQbit. You can download the specs and build your own." based on a 180 MHz ARM9 processor (Atmel AT91RM9200); runs Linux.
* [http://openjtag.net/ the OpenJTAG wiki] ( http://openjtag.net/ )
* [http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/WebHome the RepRap wiki] discusses the RepRap project to build a "Replicating Rapid-prototyper", a self-copying 3D printer. "Complete open-source instructions and plans are published on this website for zero cost and available to everyone so, if you want to make one yourself, you can."
* [http://analogwiki.com/ the Analog wiki] "The Wiki for Design &amp; Verification Engineers by Design &amp; Verification Engineers."
* [http://editthis.info/JMRI JMRI wiki ( http://editthis.info/JMRI )] The JMRI project is building tools for model railroad computer control.
* [http://dccwiki.com/ the DCC wiki ( http://dccwiki.com/ )] ("Digital Command Control") discusses computer-controlled model railroads.
* [http://hardwarebook.info/ the Hardware Book. Internet's largest free collection of connector pinouts and cable descriptions.] ''needs WikiNode''
* [https://isl.ncsa.uiuc.edu/twiki/bin/view/OpenFPGA the OpenFPGA wiki] ''needs WikiNode''
* [https://devel.goto10.org/packets/wiki/CATkit the CATkit wiki: CATkit is an open hardware project] designed as a standalone interactive Forth computer for audio sound artists. (Based on Microchip PIC 18F).
* [http://openbios.org/ the OpenBIOS project wiki] discusses several free and open source implementations of IEEE 1275-1994 (also called "Open Firmware"). Open Firmware allows expansion cards to provide a "boot ROM" that works all common platforms, like x86, AMD64, PowerPC, ARM and Mips.
* [http://obook.info/ the OpenBook wiki] discusses OpenBook, an open source hardware and software project designing a computer tablet ... Everyone can contribute and help to shape the OpenBook hardware and software specifications.
* [https://events.ccc.de/camp/2007/ Chaos Communication Camp wiki]
Please add closely-related wiki. Keep the 7 or so of the most-closely-related wiki.
Move less-relevant wiki to WikiIndex.
''Are any of the wiki listed at http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/SoftwareBazaar/MicrocontrollerProgramming relevant enough to list here?''

Revision as of 16:46, 9 November 2007

Welcome to Open Circuits. Open Circuits is a wiki for sharing electronics knowledge, schematics, board layouts, and parts libraries.

Hi guys, I found so much useful things here. Thank you.

big tits round asses | asian babes | exploited moms | strap on

Hi guys, I found so much useful things here. Thank you.

big tits round asses | asian babes | exploited moms | strap on