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[http://hat-hor.ifrance.com/directory/clubuno.html club uno] [[Image:Grey-bg-xbee.jpg]]
| + | [[Image:Grey-bg-xbee.jpg]] |
| | | |
− | <b>Description:</b><br>
| + | =Description= |
− | Xbee is a wireless communication module from [http://www.maxstream.net Maxstream] built to the 802.15.4 standard. By default it is configured from the factory to be a wireless serial line replacement. It can be programmed to do other functions like join [http://www.zigbee.org ZigBee] networks or transmit level changes of certain module I/O pins.
| + | XBee is a wireless communication module that [http://www.digi.com/products/wireless/zigbee-mesh/ Digi] built to the 802.15.4/ZigBee standard. The beauty of the 802.15.4/ZigBee wireless standard is that it can form self-healing mesh networks. These are great for making a wireless control network that spans from one corner of your house to the other. |
| | | |
− | There are two flavors of this module: Xbee and Xbee Pro. The pro version has an increased range:
| + | By default, the modules are configured from the factory to be a wireless serial line replacement. It can be programmed to do other functions like behave as a "wireless wire" where a level transition on an input pin of one module is sent out as the same level transition on a different module output pin. There is also a special API mode, where the modules accept bytes of data from the host to transmit into the network. |
| | | |
− | XBee
| + | There are two versions of the Xbee modules; 802.15.4 (DigiMesh 2.4) ) and ZB ZigBee. The difference being that the ZB modules are compatible with normal ZigBee networks, where the DigiMesh is a proprietary mesh solution. Each version comes in 2 flavors: XBee and XBee-Pro. The XBee-Pro modules have a more powerful radio, thus have a longer range. |
− | *Indoor/Urban: up to 100’ (30 m)
| |
− | *Outdoor line-of-sight: up to 300’ (100 m)
| |
− | *TX Current: 45 mA (@3.3 V)
| |
− | *RX Current: 50 mA (@3.3 V)
| |
− | *Power-down Current: < 10 μA
| |
| | | |
− | XBee-PRO | + | ===XBee 802.15.4=== |
− | *Indoor/Urban: up to 300’ (100 m) | + | * Power output: 1 mW (+0 dBm) |
− | *Outdoor line-of-sight: up to 1 mile (1500 m) | + | * Indoor/Urban range: Up to 100 ft (30 m) |
− | *TX Current: 215 mA (@3.3 V) | + | * Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 300 ft (90 m) |
− | *RX Current: 55 mA (@3.3 V) | + | * RF data rate: 250 Kbps |
− | *Power-down Current: < 10 μA | + | * Interface data rate: Up to 115.2 Kbps |
− | <br><br>
| + | * Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz |
| + | * Receiver sensitivity: -92 dBm |
| | | |
− | <b>Documents:</b><br>
| + | ===XBee-PRO 802.15.4=== |
− | [http://www.maxstream.net/products/xbee/datasheet_XBee_OEM_RF-Modules.pdf Datasheet] from [http://www.maxstream.net Maxstream]<br>
| + | * Power output: |
− | [http://www.maxstream.net/products/xbee/manual_xb_oem-rf-modules_802.15.4.pdf 804.15.2] mode of operation<br>
| + | :* 63 mW (+18 dBm) North American version |
− | [http://www.maxstream.net/products/xbee/manual_xb_oem-rf-modules_zigbee.pdf ZigBee] mode of operation<br> <br>
| + | :* 10 mW (+10 dBm) International version |
| + | * Indoor/Urban range: Up to 300 ft (90 m) |
| + | * Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 1 mile (1.6 km) RF LOS |
| + | * RF data rate: 250 Kbps |
| + | * Interface data rate: Up to 115.2 Kbps |
| + | * Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz |
| + | * Receiver sensitivity: -100 dBm (all variants) |
| | | |
− | <b>Footprints:</b><br>
| + | ===XBee ZB ZigBee === |
| + | * Power output: |
| + | :* 2mW (+3 dBm) boost mode |
| + | :* 1.25 mW (+1 dBm) normal mode |
| + | * Indoor/Urban range: Up to 133 ft (40 m) |
| + | * Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 400 ft (120 m) |
| + | * RF data rate: 250 Kbps |
| + | * Interface data rate: Up to 1 Mbps software selectable |
| + | * Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz |
| + | * Receiver sensitivity: |
| + | :* -96 dBm boost mode |
| + | :* -95 dBm normal mode |
| + | * TX Current: 45 mA (@3.3 V) |
| + | * RX Current: 50 mA (@3.3 V) |
| + | * Power-down Current: < 10 μA |
| | | |
− | The module is mounted on a mini-pcb with 2 10pin 2mm pitch headers. See the datasheet for more info.
| + | ===XBee-Pro ZB ZigBee === |
| + | * Power output: |
| + | :* 50 mW (+17 dBm) North American version |
| + | :* 10 mW (+10 dBm) International version |
| + | * Indoor/Urban range: Up to 400 ft (120 m) |
| + | * Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 1 mile (1.6 km) RF LOS |
| + | * RF data rate: 250 Kbps |
| + | * Interface data rate: Up to 1 Mbps software selectable |
| + | * Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz |
| + | * Receiver sensitivity: -102 dBm (all variants) |
| + | * TX Current: 215 mA (@3.3 V) |
| + | * RX Current: 55 mA (@3.3 V) |
| + | * Power-down Current: < 10 μA |
| | | |
− | [http://www.sparkfun.com Sparkfun Electronics] now makes a [http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8276 breakoutboard] that converts the 2mm pitch pins into 0.1" pitch pins. They also sell [http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8272 2mm header sockets] to use in your projects. | + | |
| + | =Documents= |
| + | [http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000866_C.pdf XBee/Xbee-Pro ZB ZigBee] PDF <br> |
| + | [http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000982_A.pdf XBee/XBee-Pro 802.15.4] PDF |
| + | |
| + | =Where to buy= |
| + | [http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=xbee&x=0&y=0&search_section=products Sparkfun electronics] now makes/sells several items related to XBee: modules themselves, breakout boards, pin headers, USB adapters & Arduino shields. |
| + | |
| + | [http://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=xbee Cool Components] in Europe now sells several items related to XBee: modules themselves, breakout boards, pin headers, USB adapters & Arduino shields. |
| + | |
| + | A new adapter is now available to give a simple interface to the XBee. |
| + | [http://www.pic-bee.com PIC-BEE] |
| + | |
| + | See Wireless Security for home |
| + | [http://www.wirelesshome-securitycamera.com Wireless Home Security Camera] |
| + | |
| + | A low-cost multi-mode XBee/USB/RS232 interface module is available from [http://www.technologicalarts.ca/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=457 Technological Arts]. They also make [http://www.technologicalarts.ca/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=456 an XBee-to-solderless breadboard adapter]. |
| | | |
| [[Category:Modules]] | | [[Category:Modules]] |
XBee is a wireless communication module that Digi built to the 802.15.4/ZigBee standard. The beauty of the 802.15.4/ZigBee wireless standard is that it can form self-healing mesh networks. These are great for making a wireless control network that spans from one corner of your house to the other.
By default, the modules are configured from the factory to be a wireless serial line replacement. It can be programmed to do other functions like behave as a "wireless wire" where a level transition on an input pin of one module is sent out as the same level transition on a different module output pin. There is also a special API mode, where the modules accept bytes of data from the host to transmit into the network.
There are two versions of the Xbee modules; 802.15.4 (DigiMesh 2.4) ) and ZB ZigBee. The difference being that the ZB modules are compatible with normal ZigBee networks, where the DigiMesh is a proprietary mesh solution. Each version comes in 2 flavors: XBee and XBee-Pro. The XBee-Pro modules have a more powerful radio, thus have a longer range.
XBee 802.15.4[edit]
- Power output: 1 mW (+0 dBm)
- Indoor/Urban range: Up to 100 ft (30 m)
- Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 300 ft (90 m)
- RF data rate: 250 Kbps
- Interface data rate: Up to 115.2 Kbps
- Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz
- Receiver sensitivity: -92 dBm
XBee-PRO 802.15.4[edit]
- 63 mW (+18 dBm) North American version
- 10 mW (+10 dBm) International version
- Indoor/Urban range: Up to 300 ft (90 m)
- Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 1 mile (1.6 km) RF LOS
- RF data rate: 250 Kbps
- Interface data rate: Up to 115.2 Kbps
- Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz
- Receiver sensitivity: -100 dBm (all variants)
XBee ZB ZigBee[edit]
- 2mW (+3 dBm) boost mode
- 1.25 mW (+1 dBm) normal mode
- Indoor/Urban range: Up to 133 ft (40 m)
- Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 400 ft (120 m)
- RF data rate: 250 Kbps
- Interface data rate: Up to 1 Mbps software selectable
- Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz
- Receiver sensitivity:
- -96 dBm boost mode
- -95 dBm normal mode
- TX Current: 45 mA (@3.3 V)
- RX Current: 50 mA (@3.3 V)
- Power-down Current: < 10 μA
XBee-Pro ZB ZigBee[edit]
- 50 mW (+17 dBm) North American version
- 10 mW (+10 dBm) International version
- Indoor/Urban range: Up to 400 ft (120 m)
- Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: Up to 1 mile (1.6 km) RF LOS
- RF data rate: 250 Kbps
- Interface data rate: Up to 1 Mbps software selectable
- Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz
- Receiver sensitivity: -102 dBm (all variants)
- TX Current: 215 mA (@3.3 V)
- RX Current: 55 mA (@3.3 V)
- Power-down Current: < 10 μA
XBee/Xbee-Pro ZB ZigBee PDF
XBee/XBee-Pro 802.15.4 PDF
Where to buy[edit]
Sparkfun electronics now makes/sells several items related to XBee: modules themselves, breakout boards, pin headers, USB adapters & Arduino shields.
Cool Components in Europe now sells several items related to XBee: modules themselves, breakout boards, pin headers, USB adapters & Arduino shields.
A new adapter is now available to give a simple interface to the XBee.
See Wireless Security for home
Wireless Home Security Camera
A low-cost multi-mode XBee/USB/RS232 interface module is available from Technological Arts. They also make an XBee-to-solderless breadboard adapter.