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*'''[https://www.americasgreatestmakers.com/?cid=sem43700010311919777&intel_term=makerspaces&gclid=Cj0KEQjwyJi_BRDLusby7_S7z-IBEiQAwCVvn16KAvMz351sKQ4IH0TKr1x5nElp8QLDxYDmVhZEp-caAu5C8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds America's Greatest Makers | Welcome to the America's Greatest Makers digital experience. ]'''
*'''[https://www.americasgreatestmakers.com/?cid=sem43700010311919777&intel_term=makerspaces&gclid=Cj0KEQjwyJi_BRDLusby7_S7z-IBEiQAwCVvn16KAvMz351sKQ4IH0TKr1x5nElp8QLDxYDmVhZEp-caAu5C8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds America's Greatest Makers | Welcome to the America's Greatest Makers digital experience. ]'''
*'''[http://makerfaire.com/ Maker Faire | ]'''
*'''[http://makerfaire.com/ Maker Faire | ]'''
*'''[http://www.bostonmakers.org/massdevelopment-massdevelopment-releases-first-look-at-makerspaces-in-massachusetts/ First Look at Makerspaces in Massachusetts – Boston Makers ]'''
= Maker Spaces on SC =
= Maker Spaces on SC =

Revision as of 12:19, 24 September 2016

Info on MakerSpaces on the South Coast of Ma

Meta, Lists of Maker Spaces and Other

Information on Maker Spaces in general

Maker Spaces on SC

This section includes full maker spaces, excluding small ones in libraries and similar, perhaps will have them in another section.

South Coast Innovator Labs


Ocean State Maker Mill

AS220 Labs

Good Hacker Space Wikis: Any Where