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== Booting ==
== Booting ==
== U-boot ==
== U-Boot ==
I left u-boot as-is on the Linuxstamp.
== Busybox ==
== Busybox ==

Revision as of 20:21, 28 January 2012

Tideclock boardassy 01.jpg


Tideclock is an electromechanical clock that displays local tides in bargraph form. The 'bars' are currently implemented as 12 moving pointers on lead-screws approximately 30cm long, but there are many other neat ways one can display a 'bar'. How about columns of water? or a string that is supported at a dozen places?

Being software-controlled, many parameters that are easily altered, such as:

  • interval between the 'bars' (presently 1 hour, thus showing the upcoming tides for 12 hours)
  • location for which the tides are calculated
  • display scaling, or units

One can even display currents instead of tide heights if preferred.

TideClock uses a Linuxstamp by Paul Thomas (see its page here in OpenCircuits) for the processing.

Tide calculations are performed by xtide [[1]] compiled to run on the Linuxstamp.

Motion control and power supply is performed by a custom PCB. The design details are below.


The Software works. A prototype PCB has been assembled and 90% tested. The major remaining tasks are assembling the lead screws and putting the whole thing in a nice wooden cabinet.


  • 12 individually-controlled 'bars' for displaying the tide height 12 or 24 hours in the future
  • Low power (60 mW between updates; 1.2W when updating the graph)
  • configurable Update interval (how often graph is refreshed)
  • configurable Scale (meters, feet, fathoms, etc)
  • Displays Tide Height or Current Speed


All files for this project are licensed under the GNU GPL V2


The prototypes (4 are in various stages of construction) have cost about $500 each for materials. Labour not included...

Hardware design files

Warning!!! Use this design at your own risk.


Energy is stored by an ~1100 mA-Hr Li-ion cell, which is sufficient for about 30 hours of use when disconnected from external power sources. It is recharged by either 5V from a USB-charger wall-wart, or a solar panel. Average power consumption is approximately 150 mW, so it shouldn't need too large of a panel.

The internal real-time clock (which is how the software knows what time it is, for the calculations) is powered by a 0.47F supercapacitor that charges from the the Li-ion cell. The TideClock should retain its internal time for at least two weeks after discharge of the main battery.

Console and Debug port

A USB connector provides a serial port for console access to the Linux OS. This is used for updating or changing the software, changing the time, or changing other parameters.

nfs & tftp

Cross Compiler



I left u-boot as-is on the Linuxstamp.


Building the Linux Kernel

Root Filesystem (RFS)

GPIO / Hardware Pin I/O


I won't repeat the ones listed on the OpenCircuits pages for the Linuxstamp and Linuxstamp II 9260.

USB Info


You could try the <Discussion> button at the top of this page, or contact me at the address below:


For questions or comments please contact Bjarne (bjarneh /at/ shaw /dot/ ca)

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